The Office of Public Safety was created in March 2002. This office oversees Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Management. Provides public education/safety training, responds to incidents of hazardous materials, grants, and risk managment.
Sussex Emergency Services
The County of Sussex Emergency Services is provided by six (6) volunteer fire departments and two (2) volunteer rescue squads.
Fire Departments
- Jarratt Volunteer Fire/Rescue Department
- Stony Creek Volunteer Fire Department
- Old Hickory Volunteer Fire (Dinwiddie County) Department
- Sussex Courthouse Volunteer Fire Department
- Waverly Volunteer Fire Department
- Wakefield Volunteer Fire Department.
Emergency Medical Services
Three licensed EMS agencies provide emergency medical care to the County of Sussex:
- Waverly Rescue
- Stony Creek Rescue
- Jarratt Volunteer Fire Department
Emergency Operations Center
The Office of Public Safety along with the Emergency Response Team will operate the (EOC) Emergency Operations Center whenever there is a man-made or natural disaster. The Emergency Operations Center will open and be in operation within 2 hours of an incident. Once opened, the Emergency Response Team will make decisions on shelter locations for the public, mass feeding, resource needs, assists from mutual aid agencies, and other public safety considerations.Emergency medical care is also provided by contractual arrangements with Lifestar Ambulance Service, Inc. and MTI.
During an emergency and once the (EOC) Emergency Operations Center has opened, the following phone numbers should be used for public assistance
Emergency Number : 911 (Regular Office Hours)
Emergency Operations Center : (434) 246-8224