Sussex Residential & Business Broadband Survey Forms
Sussex Residential & Business Broadband Survey Forms
Sussex County is conducting a Broadband/Internet Study to assess the current level of broadband Internet service and demand in the area. Your responses are important--we need your input to help us identify current areas of need.



Please fill-out one survey for each residential address. If you have a home-based business, please fill-out the separate Business Broadband/Internet Survey. Residential Broadband/Internet Survey Form


Please fill-out one survey for each business even if there is more than one business at a single address. The business survey is for businesses whether they are home-based or not. We are also interested in your personal use of the Internet; please consider filling out the separate Residential Broadband/Internet Survey. Business Broadband/Internet Survey Form 


*Surveys are due by: Sunday, December 10, 2017

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