License Fee
Every person or business
- providing financial, real estate, and professional services;
- repair, personal and business services, and all other business and occupations not specifically listed or excepted in this ordinance; and
- contractors, having a definite place of business in the county, shall be assessed and required to pay annually a license fee in the amount of $30.00.
All persons required by this ordinance to obtain a license shall make application for license to the Commissioner of Revenue at his office.
(Adopted this 18th day of December 2014)
Download: Business Professional Occupational License Ordinance (Updated February 19, 2020)
Ellen G. Boone
Commissioner of the Revenue
Physical Address:
15074 Courthouse Road
Sussex, VA 23884
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1398
Sussex, VA 23884
Office Hours:
9:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m., M-F
(434) 246-4503